Interesting Nonprofit Scholarship and Useful Datasets


Harmonized Census Tract Data 1970-2010

Working with over-time census data is challenging because of changes to block groups and tracts.


US Foundation Grants Database 2010-2015 Thanks to AI

You can now download a dataset containing over 1.4 million grants. The data was created by IBM Watson’s Causebot by extracting fields from the IRS e-files (very little documentation provided).


County-Level Nonprofit Employment Data


Data on Hospitals, HR, & Performance

A recent study by Morgen Johansen and Jessica Sowa examines how human resource practices impact nonprofit performance in the context of hospitals.


Using Topic Modeling to Study Nonprofit Reputation

The scholars Márcia Santos, Raul Laureano, and Sérgio Moro have a forthcoming article in VOLUNTAS titled, “Unveiling Research Trends for Organizational Reputation in the Nonprofit Sector”.


Urban Institute's NCCS Embraces Open Science

The Urban Institute has streamlined the process for writing their annual Nonprofit Sector in Brief publication by opening up their data and creating data-driven documents using R and markdown. For an overview of the process check out their recent blog.


NGO Datasets

Dataworld, a social network for data sharing, has over 250 datasets listed related to NGOs and nonprofits.


Can Big Data Be Used for Program Evaluation?

A couple of recent publications highlight potential uses of “big data” for traditional M&E or program evaluation purposes.


Sample Framework for NGO Web Domains

David Oldenkamp, formerly the International Documents Librarian at Indiana University, started a database of 415 international NGOs and their web domains. The list has been expanded and incorporated into a an NGO custom search engine to search within all of the domains for content.


BBC Publishes Graphics Cookbook

The BBC has published their Graphics Library built using ggplot2 in R.