R Crash Course

The R Ecosystem

Why Learn R?

The R Language

R is a 30-year-old data programming language created by New Zealand statisticians Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka as a free alternative to proprietary software for their students at the University of Auckland. It was modelled after the S Programming Language, invented by John Chambers while at Bell Labs.

The language has evolved and the user community has grown considerably. R and Python are two of the most popular data programming languages used in academics and by professional data scientists.

R is currently supported by a large team of contributors, a Foundation, and thousands of contributed packages.*

The Ecosystem of Tools

To create robust and dynamic analysis we can use a couple of tools that were built to leverage the power of R to create compelling narratives.

Getting to Know RStudio

RStudio is a graphical user interface (GUI) and integrated developer environment (IDE) that makes it much easier to use R for writing code, importing data, installing packages, and other features.

A Guided Tour

The following video provides a tour of the RStudio interface and key components for getting started.

Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.


Markdown is a “lightweight”, easy-to-learn syntax that allows you to format language with boldface, italicization, bullet points, and more, even when there’s no “rich content editor” menu available.

Websites and applications that support Markdown may surprise you, including:

Markdown Basics

The following video provides a brief introduction to Markdown fundamentals.

Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.

More Examples

The following video provides a tutorial and demonstration of R Markdown.

Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.